coniugazione del varbo al passato in inglese essere e avere?
2008-11-14 13:26:37 UTC
nella forma affermativa .. negativa ... interrogativa...
Due risposte:
2008-11-14 14:02:40 UTC
Forma affermativa : to be

I was

You were

He/She/It was

We were

You were

They were

Forma negativa : to be

I Was not (wasn't)

You Were not (weren't)

He/She/It Was not (wasn't)

We Were not (weren't)

You Were not (weren't)

They Were not (weren't)

Le voci tra parentesi sono la short form .

Forma interrogativa : to be

Was I .... ?

Were you .... ?

Was He/She/It ....?

Were we ... ?

Were you ... ?

Were they ... ?

Risposte brevi : to be


Yes , I/He/She/It was .

Yes , You/We/They were .


No , I/He/She/It wasn't .

No , You/We/They weren't .

Forma affermativa : to have

I had

You had

He/She/It had

We had

You had

They had

Forma negativa : to have

I didn't have

You didn't have

He/She/It didn't have

We didn't have

You didn't have

They didn't have

Forma interrogativa : to have

Did I have ... ?

Did you have ... ?

Did He/She/It have ... ?

Did we have ... ?

Did you have .... ?

Did they have ... ?

Risposte brevi : to have


Yes , I/You/He/She/It/We/They did .


No , I/You/He/She/It/We/They didn't . ù

Spero di esserti stata d'aiuto !

(X Manuel : Kiedi al tuo insegnante una delucidazione sul past simple del verbo to be ...

Ho visto ke hai scritto l'ausiliare do al verbo to be al past simple nella forma interrogativa , ciò nn è possibile xkè il verbo to be nn necessita di ausiliare!)
2008-11-14 13:32:53 UTC
passato verbo essere


i was

you were

he was

she was

it was

you were

we were

they were


i wasn't

you weren't

he wasn't

she wasn't

it wasn't

you weren't

we weren't

they weren't


did i was

did you were

does he was

does she was

does it was

did you were

did we were

did they were

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.